Friday, October 31, 2008
Pregnancy - Second Trimester
We decided to stay home for our first Halloween as a married couple and our first Halloween in our new house (okay, so it may not be an important milestone-type holiday), but neither of us have really passed out much candy before because we were raised in the country. Anyway, so we decided to stay home and pass out candy and watch Halloween movies. What a huge disappointment! We only had five trick-or-treaters. Luckily, they were all very young kids (not yet in school) and they were all adorable, so I was all excited about what next year (and the following years) will be like when we are walking around with Baby Hansford dressed up super-cute.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Pregnancy - Second Trimester
After much discussion (read: arguments) over the nursery, Brian and I settled on baby animals (that way Brian has the “woodsy” theme that he would prefer and I have the true baby nursery feel that I want). Below are five patterns that we found that are currently the top contenders. Please note, Grandpa Fin, that there aren't any once-live animal parts (nor will there be). ;)

Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Pregnancy - Second Trimester
I bought a Yoga DVD a while back that was specifically designed for pregnant women. I haven't used it yet, but I really need to so that I am capable of handling the birthing process itself. With feeling so nauseas, I haven’t been up to doing the DVD, but I also haven’t felt up to doing much of anything.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Pregnancy - Second Trimester
I haven’t been having much of an appetite at all lately. Nothing sounds good to me and when I force myself to eat it feels like I am full and forcing myself to eat the last few bites (only it is usually a lot more than the last few bites). Yesterday I had this brilliant idea that maybe it was the nausea medication that was causing this, so I didn’t take it for lunch or dinner. Well, for lunch I still couldn’t eat anything more than a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and a plum and I felt woosie the rest of the day at work. For dinner, I didn’t want to eat at all. I had a glass of V8 (because fluids are the only thing I can seem to eat) and tried to force myself to eat a pot pie. The pot pie was not settling and I was sitting very still on the couch trying to keep it down, but then the phone rang and it was plugged in in the bedroom. I got up to get it and by the time I made it to the phone, I was vomiting into my hand and had to run to the bathroom. So the only thing that I accomplished was figuring out that I still need to take the medication. The only thing that I can manage to get down is liquids, so I have V8 juice and orange juice to try and get some vitamins and minerals, but that can’t be enough.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Pregnancy - Second Trimester
I can’t figure out whether your stomach is supposed to, naturally feel bruisy when you touch it when you are pregnant. Is it stretching so much that the skin hurts? I am just one of those silly worry-wart first time pregnant women, I guess. It doesn’t feel crampy, my stomach just feels achy. Good ole Mom (the one I always go to with my worry-wart issues) says that it is probably the skin stretching and not to worry, but that if it makes me feel better – some moms even go in to get ultrasounds when they feel those aches.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Pregnancy - Second Trimester
Well, we made it through to the first benchmark. We are officially one-third of the way through the pregnancy and one-third of the way through meeting the newest member of the family. I have been looking forward to this point, because so many people have reassured me that the morning sickness goes away after the first tri-mester. We haven’t seen any relief yet, but we are hopeful.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Pregnancy - First Trimester
We decided to go through the sequential screening as well as get the blood testing for cystic fibrosis and other complications that can be monitored pre-birth. The first step today was to get another ultrasound and to have some blood work done. The baby is looking more humanlike and we could see the baby jumping around inside the uterus. It is really difficult to describe the emotions that the experience brought. We get more and more excited after each and every doctor’s appointment.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Pregnancy - First Trimester
We had our 12 week doctor’s appointment today (we are at 12 weeks and 2 days). Everything is progressing as expected for the baby. We were able to hear the baby’s heartbeat, as well as hear the baby moving around. It was a very awesome moment. All of the blood work from the previous appointment came back normal and the blood pressure was back to normal (it was slightly elevated at the last appointment). We have gained 2.5 pounds since the beginning (but of course it looks like a lot more than that because the stomach won’t suck in anymore).
Friday, October 3, 2008
Pregnancy - First Trimester
Well, the time has come. I cannot suck in my stomach anymore (it just doesn’t suck in). I was trying to stand up really tall to close my pants but I busted the seam in my pants yesterday and a button in the pants the day before. I had Brian take me to Motherhood Maternity and we bought some work pants and a few shirts. I have gained about 2 pounds now that I can keep food down, but the biggest thing is that my stomach won’t suck in anymore and that it is terribly uncomfortable to have tight pants around my waist when I am sitting down. Today I am wearing a pair of my new pants and let me tell you, there is a vast difference in the comfort level from yesterday. HUGE DIFFERENCE!!
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