Saturday, June 27, 2009
Family - Relay for Life 2009
Relay for Life this year was great fun (6/26/09-6/27/09). Our booth ("Beautiful Feet: Rock Around the Clock") was decorated in a 1950s theme and the family wore costumes to match. (Austin donned cute jean shorts and tshirt with slick hair - I couldn't figure out how to roll his pacifier in his sleeve, though.) The entire event raised $62,000. with our team rasing around $1,000 (estimate). Austin and I stayed at the event for the entire 24-hour duration (plus set-up and clean-up) with Grammy, Grampy, Uncle Nick and Uncle Jared, and with Daddy coming to visit us for a few hours late Friday night.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Austin - 10 weeks
I was able to cancel, for work-related and strategic business reasons, a work trip that was planned for this week to Cedar Rapids, Iowa. However, that meant that I had to be involved in all of the pre-planned all-day meetings remotely from Michigan. At the point that I had to head home for the child care switch, I grabbed a company cell phone and dialed back in on the road and at home. While at home, Austin was able to enjoy observing mommy working and even piped in a few times. Luckily everybody had a sense of humor about it.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Austin - 4 weeks
Austin has displayed the dimple in his left cheek (to match Daddy's) as he smiled for the first time today. Actually, he has smiled a few times today. So far, his smile is only brought on by Mommy laughing (and he can tell the difference between a fake laugh and a real laugh).
Friday, May 1, 2009
Austin - 29 days
We decided to take a trip to visit Austin's Great Grandma and Great Grandpa Dykhouse today. Great Grandpa has not been feeling well and, therefore, was unable to make it to the hospital or to the house to visit. Grammy and Uncle Jared went with us and "Auntie Een" (Austin's Great Aunt Ileen) met us there.

This was also the same day as the Lowell High School Prom. Uncle Nick's prom date (Calla) is from another town and had to travel a ways to get to the house, so she planned to get ready at the house. We went over there early so that there was some adult supervision until Grammy could get out of work. We also took a bunch of pictures. After all of the prom-goers left, that is when we made the trip to Grant.
This was also the same day as the Lowell High School Prom. Uncle Nick's prom date (Calla) is from another town and had to travel a ways to get to the house, so she planned to get ready at the house. We went over there early so that there was some adult supervision until Grammy could get out of work. We also took a bunch of pictures. After all of the prom-goers left, that is when we made the trip to Grant.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Austin - 28 days
Friday, April 24, 2009
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Austin - 16 days
Monday, April 13, 2009
Austin - 11 days
Today was our newborn picture session at Modern Photographics with our photographer Brandon Mulnix. Austin did pretty well for being so young and being maneuvered every which way. We only had a couple little instances:
First, he urinated on himself for the first pose when we undressed him and Daddy put him in the netting (picture above).
The second incident was when we put him in an Easter basket (Daddy's clever idea) and he wasn't quite sure that he liked it (picture above).

However, there were also a lot of wonderful picture moments:

Sunday, April 12, 2009
Austin - 10 days
Austin's very first holiday: Easter 2009. We went to Grammy and Grampy's where we watched Uncle Nick and Uncle Jared find Easter eggs that the Easter bunny hid and also got to find Easter baskets. Austin had an Easter basket filled with lots of goodies, including a large stuffed ducky. Uncle Jared was a very big help (he even volunteered to help with dirty diapers - yes, "dirty" diapers). Easter was also the first day that Austin got to meet his Great Grandma McQueen, as she was on a cruise when Austin was born.

Friday, April 10, 2009
Austin - 8 days
We went to visit Great Grandpa and Great Grandma Overmire (and Missy) at the senior living center today. They were not able to make it to the hospital and since we had a doctor's appointment today that was very close by, we decided to stop over. (We also visited Grammy at work today.) According to the doctor, Austin is back to his original birth weight.

Thursday, April 9, 2009
Austin - 7 days
"Auntie Een" (Austin's Great Aunt Ileen) was not able to make it to the hospital after Austin was born because she was feeling ill. As Great Grandma Dykhouse's ride, this meant that she was not able to visit either. However, because Great Grandma had a doctor's appointment today and Auntie Een was feeling better, they both stopped by later in the afternoon. Grammy and Uncle Jared were already at the house to take advantage of seeing both Austin AND Auntie Een and Great Grandma. This was also the first time that Auntie Een and Great Grandma had seen our house.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Austin - 5 days
Austin had his first drs appointment today, since leaving the hospital. He has significantly decreased in birth weight to 7 lbs 13 oz. (45th percentile). His height has increased to 20 3/4 inches (75th percentile). His head circumference is 14 inches.
Austin also has his first broken bone - his collar bone on his left side appears to have broken during his trip through the birth canal. The doctor is not alarmed and said that this is not unusual. The bone should heal itself.
Austin also has his first broken bone - his collar bone on his left side appears to have broken during his trip through the birth canal. The doctor is not alarmed and said that this is not unusual. The bone should heal itself.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Austin - 3 days
Grandma and Grandpa Hansford and Aunt Dawn, Uncle Erik and Regina all came to visit Austin today. He slept the ENTIRE time - no matter how much Uncle Erik tried to tickle him, he slept right through it. Grandma, Grandpa and Aunt Dawn got to see Austin right when he was born, but only for a brief time, but for Uncle Erik and Regina, this was the first time that they met Austin.

Thursday, April 2, 2009
Austin - Birth
After the cytotex pill that I started with last night at about 11pm, I was given my first round of Pitocin at around 6am. It didn't take long for the contractions to increase (the monitor showed that I was already experiencing contractions, but not enough to be considered active labor). About every 1-2 hours, my dilation increased 1cm, from the beginning dilation of 3cm. After using a "labor ball" (similar to a large exercise ball) for about a half hour, my waters broke. Active labor, with contractions right on top of each other, started at around 4pm, at which time I received the epidural. With Brian and my mom at my side, I had a successful traditional birth with only 1 hour and 45 minutes of active labor.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
We had another doctor's appointment today and it was quite a shock to Brian and I. My blood pressure fluctuated between 155-165/90s, protein continued to show in my urinalysis, my vision was showing signs of seeing spots and my edema was at an all-time extreme. With all of these symptoms together and the fact that we had cleared the point of being term (we are 37 weeks and 3 days), the doctor decided that it is imperitive that I be induced in order to prevent the complications with preeclampsia (losing too much blood, seizures, stroke, etc).
He set the appointment for induction at Spectrum Hospital for 930pm tonight. Though we are in a state of shock, we are pretty excited that we are going to see our son soon.
The doctor said that it would be okay to eat, so I decided that my last meal would be a quesadilla from El Burrito. After dinner, we will grab all of our bags and head to the hospital where we will meet my mom and Brian's mom and dad.
He set the appointment for induction at Spectrum Hospital for 930pm tonight. Though we are in a state of shock, we are pretty excited that we are going to see our son soon.
The doctor said that it would be okay to eat, so I decided that my last meal would be a quesadilla from El Burrito. After dinner, we will grab all of our bags and head to the hospital where we will meet my mom and Brian's mom and dad.
Friday, March 27, 2009
Pregnancy - Third Trimester
We had another doctor's appointment today (with an ultrasound). According to the ultrasound, Baby Boy Hansford is already 7lbs 13oz!! The doctor has scheduled an induction for April 12, 2009 if it should happen that he waits that long. Otherwise, I'll be delivering one huge watermelon. According to the doctor, he has the potential for gaining 1/2 lb (8oz) per week, which could make him almost 10lbs if he stayed until the original due date of April 19, 2009. As for the other details, I am still only dilated about 1.5cm and my cervix has only thinned about 10% in the past two weeks to 60% effaced.
Therefore, we have a maximum of two weeks to go! YAY!
Therefore, we have a maximum of two weeks to go! YAY!
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Pregnancy - Third Trimester
After the scare with the mucous plug, Brian has been staying up late and getting up early to get the nursery done. He has officially completed all of his projects in the nursery except for the trim around the windows (we are waiting for our windows to arrive and be installed before he does this). Brian and his dad also spent quite some time assembling the furniture.
Unfortunately the changing table that I waited so long to come into stock and finally was able to order was delivered as the wrong one. They sent a very curvy one that I specifically did not want because it looked too girlie. My goal for the changing table was a dresser that could be used as a changing table when the pad was put onto it, but later used as a dresser (so it will grow with him as the crib will). Hence, my discontent with the curvy girlie looking dresser. So we called to have them pick the wrong one up and will have to wait (again) until the correct one comes in stock. Urgh! As a back-up plan, we have the changing table on the pack n' play.
Unfortunately the changing table that I waited so long to come into stock and finally was able to order was delivered as the wrong one. They sent a very curvy one that I specifically did not want because it looked too girlie. My goal for the changing table was a dresser that could be used as a changing table when the pad was put onto it, but later used as a dresser (so it will grow with him as the crib will). Hence, my discontent with the curvy girlie looking dresser. So we called to have them pick the wrong one up and will have to wait (again) until the correct one comes in stock. Urgh! As a back-up plan, we have the changing table on the pack n' play.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Pregnancy - Third Trimester
I lost my mucous plug today, but I have not experienced any other symptoms. Unfortunately as a first-time mother, I created quite the fire drill. I am experiencing contractions about every hour to half hour (false labor contractions), but painful nonetheless. Most everyone is telling me that the end is near (two weeks maximum).
Monday, March 16, 2009
Pregnancy - Third Trimester
We had another doctor's appointment today. The doctor informed us that I am 1.5cm dilated and 50% effaced. He has ordered an ultrasound for the next appointment, as his measurements of my uterus have continuously suggested that either a) we are having one big baby boy or b) we are further along than the original ultrasound suggested.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Pregnancy - Third Trimester
I just spent two days (03/06-03/07/09) in the hospital for serious nausea and vomiting. Both the baby and I needed re-hydration. After several tests to check my gall bladder and other things, thankfully nothing was found to be the cause. We are thankful, but frustrated, because this would be the second time in 10 days that I have gone to the doctors for nausea and vomiting that won't stop to find out that it is some sort of stomach virus. (I am so glad that I got that flu shot!)
Now that I am home, I am still a little dizzy and nauseas (though the nausea medication is helping). I am very tired and really achey, as well. The doctor has now insisted that I go on bed rest, as he has noticed a connection between me going into the office and my body having an adverse reaction. Thankfully, my work is willing to allow me to work from home. (I got a company cell phone and brought home my laptop and some files.)
Now that I am home, I am still a little dizzy and nauseas (though the nausea medication is helping). I am very tired and really achey, as well. The doctor has now insisted that I go on bed rest, as he has noticed a connection between me going into the office and my body having an adverse reaction. Thankfully, my work is willing to allow me to work from home. (I got a company cell phone and brought home my laptop and some files.)
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Pregnancy - Third Trimester
Well, I am pretty sure that the baby has dropped into position. My stomach has really been hurting for the past couple of days and now it is really low and very basketball shaped (compared to the odd shape that it was before).
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Pregnancy - Third Trimester
The flooring guys (Forest Floors) are working on the flooring right now (the sanding looked to be almost done yesterday). Brian has painted the walls and also had the register cover sand blasted and then he repainted them silver.

There are now only a few items on the list: Finish Floors, Install Closet Door, Install Closet Shelves, Finish Pocket Door, Hang Trim, Replace Outlets, Replace Ceiling Light with Fan, Pick Up Changing Table, Assemble Furniture, Assemble Other Baby Items, Put Car Seat in SUV.
As for my responsibilities (though Brian is working the hardest, he isn't the only one working towards being prepared for baby): I still haven't finished the tablecloth (though I did get the fabric ironed and partially cut-out. I need to finish cutting it and then sew up the seams. Also need to buy some double curtain rods. When Brian is finished with his list (related to the nursery), then I need to: Draw and paint mural on wall, Wash bedding and blankets, Hang curtains, Assemble bedding, Find bookshelf and purchase, Take care of all of the baby purchases and gifts.
Monday, March 2, 2009
Pregnancy - Third Trimester
We had another doctor's appointment today and the doctor has stated that the baby is no longer breech. Heart rate is good, too. Unfortunately, I am showing protein in the urine, which is one of the tests that indicate pre-eclampsia. At this point, however, the doctor has not suggested inducing (just bed rest).
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Pregnancy - Third Trimester
My Aunt Sheryl and Aunt Dianna (Brian's Mom's sister-in-laws) threw me a wonderful shower this weekend. The rubber ducky theme was adorable and was part of both the decorations, the food (a fruit bowl cradled in a large blow up rubber duck), drink (ducks floating in punch) and games.

There were a lot of friends and family there and it was so nice to see and visit with everyone.
I can't believe how many gifts that we received. There were so many wonderful things for Baby Hansford.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Pregnancy - Third Trimester
Our doctor's appointments are every two weeks now. Today our doctor was not available due to a delivery, so we had our apointment with a nurse practitioner. Prior to meeting with her, though, we did some of the basic checks with the nurse - weight, blood pressure and urinalysis. I am still continuing to have bloating problems and gained 5 pounds in two weeks. At first, the blood pressure was highly elevated, which concerned us because of the discussion with the doctor at the last appointment regarding preeclampsia. I asked the nurse to take it again and it came out okay. Phew! The urinalysis was also okay.
The nurse practitioner gave me a perscription for some medicine to help with the severe heartburn that I have been experiencing the past few months. Of course, as with all of these visits, the best part was hearing his heartbeat - loud, fast and clear.
The nurse practitioner gave me a perscription for some medicine to help with the severe heartburn that I have been experiencing the past few months. Of course, as with all of these visits, the best part was hearing his heartbeat - loud, fast and clear.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Pregnancy - Third Trimester
The electrical is done and the flooring in the areas where the walls were tore down were repaired by the flooring guy (ForestFloors). We decided not to get the 10yard dumpster (since we spent that money on the flooring). Brian's parents came up and cleaned out all of the non-reusable wood to burn at their house. The drywall pieces went into the garage for periodic loading into our regular pickup dumpster. Brian's parents will take the doors to Habitats for Humanities. Brian and his Dad built all of the framing for the new walls and have installed the pocket door.
Today they are going to purchase and put up the drywall. Brian is also hoping to get at least one layer of mud on, but since the drywall will involve a lot of smaller cuts (not entiresheets), he is not sure how fast it will go.
As for my responsibilities: The curtains are done (including thetie-backs) and I also sewed two pillows (one in the green and one in the yellow). My next project is to sew a yellow tablecloth for the decorator's table that I bought to work as a side table next to the rocker.
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