Friday, August 29, 2008
Pregnancy - First Trimester
We decided to tell Nick and Jared today before we left for camping. When Brian and I got to my parents' house, we called Nick and Jared into the kitchen and asked them to sit down. I started out standing as I said "We have some news", then sat down in the same chair as Jared just in time for him to look up and say, "A Baby?!?" They were both very excited that they will be uncles, but a little perplexed by the size of the embryo in the picture that I showed them. All weekend they both tried to ensure that I was taken care of and feeling okay - a sure sign that they will be great uncles.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Pregnancy - First Trimester
Well, we had another doctor's appointment today, and let me tell you that no two expecting parents could have been more excited than we were when we saw that little tiny white embryo on the ultrasound monitor with the fast beating heart. We got to see the heart! Our little black sac is now a little white embryo and it was so amazing to see. We were absolutely elated! I made sure to get a picture and I look at it all the time. The doctor also established today that the embryo is 6 weeks and 4 days old and will be due to be born on April 19, 2009. When Mom found out, she was very excited (she could end up sharing her birthday, April 16, with somebody).

Monday, August 25, 2008
Pregnancy - First Trimester
The nausea is pretty persistent, but my vomiting is limited, which is good. I am still very tired and it is difficult to keep my focus at work. Mom called today and told me that she told Aunt Ileen. Aunt Ileen promised not to ask her about it (I assume that is so that it doesn't leak to nearby burning ears). Mom also told me that Grandma inquired into my health on Saturday August 14, 2008. Mom tried to explain that Brian and I were arguing a lot throughout the trip to Cousin Loren's wedding in Ohio (where Grandma saw me) and that it was stressful and tense. Apparently Grandma was not satisfied with this answer and felt that I didn't look good. She decided to come right out and ask Mom if I was pregnant. That woman is good! Mom couldn't lie in order to protect my secret, so she confessed. I wasn't given any insight into Grandma's reaction, other than pledging that she would not tell anyone, not even Grandpa.
Mom also decided that she is not one-hundred percent settled on the name "Grammie". After all, if she decides later on that she doesn't like "Grammie" then how do you have all her other grandkids call her something different and the first one calls her "Grammie"? Little things like this are very indicative of Mom's excitement to be a grandma!
Mom also decided that she is not one-hundred percent settled on the name "Grammie". After all, if she decides later on that she doesn't like "Grammie" then how do you have all her other grandkids call her something different and the first one calls her "Grammie"? Little things like this are very indicative of Mom's excitement to be a grandma!
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Pregnancy - First Trimester
Well, nausea has started to kick in. I cooked biscuits and gravy for breakfast and afterwards, started to get dizzy as I was cleaning up. This must have become apparent to Brian because he continuously told me that he would do the dishes. I was very stubborn and determined to finish the dishes and, thus, did not take him up on his offer, but half way through I forced my way to the bathroom and then resided on the couch for the remainder of the day.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Pregnancy - First Trimester
I am very tired. I seem to go home everyday from work and take a nap. Before knowing that I was pregnant, I would try to hide my tiredness from Brian because I was ashamed that I wasn't able to survive on the 7 hours of sleep that I was getting at night (which is also more than usual). Now that we know that I am pregnant, I let myself sleep as much as needed. Brian was complaining for a while, but then his best friend Tyson explained to him that this is a symptom of pregnancy and he needs to let me rest without hassling me. Now Brian encourages me to sleep.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Pregnancy - First Trimester
I called the doctors office around 9am to ask about the results of the two tests. The results were not in my file, so the nurse had to get them and then talk to the doctor before calling me. She called later that morning and left a voicemail, telling me that my second HCG level was at 2400 and that I needed to set up another ultrasound in 10 days. I called back to make the appointment, but was disappointed that I did not have an opportunity to ask if the estimate of 5 weeks had changed.
Mom decided that I should tell Dad (so that way she had someone to talk to and so that he knew what was going on while things were still uncertain). Dad's reaction was distinct and obvious. He was so excited he almost starting crying (though I am certain that his emotions were on edge, since we were at Aunt Joan's funeral, he was still obviously excited). At the moment that I was telling Dad and he was giving me advice about how its okay if this wasn't planned because you can never be ready, Grandma McQueen walked. Dad looked at me and said, "Are we telling people." What an indicative question. Grandma says, "Your pregnant" in a very nonchalant manner, "I already knew that." "How did you know," I asked. "Jared told me." "Oh no. Jared doesn't know." I explained. "He has been saying that since before we were married. He just assumes that since Brian and I are married that a baby is soon to follow." After this conversation, mom came up to me in a very excited manner and puts a hand on each shoulder shaking me excitedly and saying, "Grammie. I've decided that I want to be called 'Grammie'".
Mom decided that I should tell Dad (so that way she had someone to talk to and so that he knew what was going on while things were still uncertain). Dad's reaction was distinct and obvious. He was so excited he almost starting crying (though I am certain that his emotions were on edge, since we were at Aunt Joan's funeral, he was still obviously excited). At the moment that I was telling Dad and he was giving me advice about how its okay if this wasn't planned because you can never be ready, Grandma McQueen walked. Dad looked at me and said, "Are we telling people." What an indicative question. Grandma says, "Your pregnant" in a very nonchalant manner, "I already knew that." "How did you know," I asked. "Jared told me." "Oh no. Jared doesn't know." I explained. "He has been saying that since before we were married. He just assumes that since Brian and I are married that a baby is soon to follow." After this conversation, mom came up to me in a very excited manner and puts a hand on each shoulder shaking me excitedly and saying, "Grammie. I've decided that I want to be called 'Grammie'".
Friday, August 15, 2008
Pregnancy - First Trimester
The appointment was set for 1145am, which worked out great, because Brian didn't have to work until 2pm. Brian and I met at the doctor's office (I came from work and Brian from home, ready for work after the appointment). We didn't wait for long (in fact, I didn't even have time to finish the paperwork for my new insurance card and name change). We were ushered into the ultrasound room where the technician attempted to do an ultrasound from the exterior of my abdomen. In a very short time, she told me that I could empty my bladder and she would have to use the interior probe. After a long time watching the technician on the screen, I focused on Brian. Every time the monitor showed something that looked like it could be a baby, he slide to the end of his chair and his head tilted to the side as his neck arched forward. Then the monitor would look inactive again and he would eventually slide back into his chair. This continued for quite a while until the technician finally said, "See that black circle? That could be a sac, but only the doctor would know for certain. I do not see any clear signs of a fetus." "What?" I exclaimed, in both terror and anger. "What is wrong with me?" The technician said that she would see if my obstetrician could see me and left. Brian and I just felt very confused at that moment. So was I pregnant or not? If I am 11 weeks along, then why can't we see and hear a baby?
The technician came back and led us to a smaller waiting room. (It gave me a chance to finish that paperwork.) Dr. Dood's nurse, Kim, came and took us to a private room to wait for him. After a few short minutes, the doctor came in and we reviewed my menstrual cycle again and the results of the ultrasound. The doctor was not very clear as to how far along I was, either. I have been experiencing a lot of problems with having a regular menstruation cycle (in fact, I had two in the month of May, which were forced by a hormone that the doctor put me on). Dr. Dood decided to have me take two blood tests and explained that these blood tests would calculate my HCG level (a hormone only present during pregnancy and the same hormone that pregnancy tests detect). An over-the-counter pregnancy test will usually register anything about a 200 HCG level. The HCG level will double every 24 hours during the beginning of a pregnancy and then lower toward the end of a pregnancy. Dr. Dood wanted a "stat" test done there at the doctor's office, the results of which he would tell me tonight and then another test on Sunday at the hospital.
On my way back to work, my mom called to tell me that she purchased Michigan 's Adventure tickets for our Labor Day vacation. It was funny that she had to tell me in code because Jared was in the car (and if he knew where we were going, it would be a long two weeks). I took advantage of the code talk and told her about the appointment and being pregnant. Unfortunately, I was too emotional to get a good read on her first reaction. She agreed that this should not become public until we were sure of the timeline and being out of the "risk" period (after the first trimester).
Brian called several times during the day to ask if the doctor had called yet. Unfortunately, my answer was always "no" and when it hit 5pm I was determined that it wasn't going to happen today. Then at 545pm, as I was walking into Brian's work at Wal-Mart to do the weekly grocery shopping, the doctor called. My HCG level is 1100 and the doctor is hoping for a level of 1800 or higher on Sunday. Before he hung up, I managed to quickly ask him the question that was really on my mind, "So, with a level of 1100, can you estimate, at all, how far along that I am?" "I would say 4 ½ to 5 weeks, the next test will give us a better idea."
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Pregnancy - First Trimester
The date of conception is usually calculated by knowing the first day of the last menstrual cycle. For me, that would have been May 22, 2008, meaning that I am 11 weeks pregnant and due on February 26, 2008. When I called the doctor Wednesday morning, they completed the calculations and determined that they needed to get me into the office for an ultrasound as soon as possible. We set an appointment for Friday. The doctor didn't seem to want to have me take another pregnancy test, but rather jump straight to the ultrasound, which lead me to believe that two positives was substantial evidence that I am pregnant. I told Arianne about the tests and there was no question that she was excited for Brian and I. She was also very excited that we would be doing this together. Arianne is approximately 5 months pregnant.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Pregnancy - First Trimester
I had been experiencing a lot of unusual symptoms for the past few weeks, including breast tenderness, abdominal pains and extreme tiredness. It didn't click until today that I should take a pregnancy test. Brian and I cleaned up dinner and then went to Gander Mountain in Grandville to find some supplies for smoking salmon. On our way home, I asked Brian to stop at Walgreens so that I could pick up a test. He handed me $10 and I went in, leaving him in the car. Of course, $10 wasn't enough for a good test, so I picked up a Walgreens brand test for $8.49. This test was a little closer to the doctor tests, though, as it required urinating into a cup and then using a syringe (provided) to put drops into the test.
My best friend Arianne called on the way home and since I hadn't talked to her for a few weeks, we talked for a long time. It wasn't until about 930pm that I finally got around to taking the test. As the liquid started entering the reader, I realized that a faint line appeared where none has ever appeared before. At that moment, the emotions started their rollercoaster ride. I was excited, anxious, nervous and scared all at the same time. I walked away for the required 3 minutes, but when I came back, the test looked just the same - a faint line. I called Brian into the bathroom with a shaky, "Hon-ey!" After making him read the instructions, I said, "Now look at it. I think we need to take another one." "Hon, the directions say that the darkness of the line doesn't matter. There is a line - you are pregnant." After several comments about the power of his soldiers, I started to get upset. After all, I didn't feel like I had a clear answer to what could be a very big step in our lives. I convinced Brian to take me to Wal-Mart for a second test, arguing that the off-brand test, plus the faintness of the line, plus the difference in the testing method didn't make me feel certain about the results. Brian complied and we drove to Alpine (I downed a bottle of water on my way). We picked up a name-brand test that required the common method of putting a stick into the urine stream for 5 seconds and drove home to immediately take the test. This time, we needed to look for a plus sign and again, we were given a very faint sign. Again, the emotions were mixed - scared, happy, nervous and anxious. Brian and I resolved to call the doctor in the morning.
My best friend Arianne called on the way home and since I hadn't talked to her for a few weeks, we talked for a long time. It wasn't until about 930pm that I finally got around to taking the test. As the liquid started entering the reader, I realized that a faint line appeared where none has ever appeared before. At that moment, the emotions started their rollercoaster ride. I was excited, anxious, nervous and scared all at the same time. I walked away for the required 3 minutes, but when I came back, the test looked just the same - a faint line. I called Brian into the bathroom with a shaky, "Hon-ey!" After making him read the instructions, I said, "Now look at it. I think we need to take another one." "Hon, the directions say that the darkness of the line doesn't matter. There is a line - you are pregnant." After several comments about the power of his soldiers, I started to get upset. After all, I didn't feel like I had a clear answer to what could be a very big step in our lives. I convinced Brian to take me to Wal-Mart for a second test, arguing that the off-brand test, plus the faintness of the line, plus the difference in the testing method didn't make me feel certain about the results. Brian complied and we drove to Alpine (I downed a bottle of water on my way). We picked up a name-brand test that required the common method of putting a stick into the urine stream for 5 seconds and drove home to immediately take the test. This time, we needed to look for a plus sign and again, we were given a very faint sign. Again, the emotions were mixed - scared, happy, nervous and anxious. Brian and I resolved to call the doctor in the morning.
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