Austin Finley Hansford

Monday, August 18, 2008

Pregnancy - First Trimester

I called the doctors office around 9am to ask about the results of the two tests. The results were not in my file, so the nurse had to get them and then talk to the doctor before calling me. She called later that morning and left a voicemail, telling me that my second HCG level was at 2400 and that I needed to set up another ultrasound in 10 days. I called back to make the appointment, but was disappointed that I did not have an opportunity to ask if the estimate of 5 weeks had changed.

Mom decided that I should tell Dad (so that way she had someone to talk to and so that he knew what was going on while things were still uncertain). Dad's reaction was distinct and obvious. He was so excited he almost starting crying (though I am certain that his emotions were on edge, since we were at Aunt Joan's funeral, he was still obviously excited). At the moment that I was telling Dad and he was giving me advice about how its okay if this wasn't planned because you can never be ready, Grandma McQueen walked. Dad looked at me and said, "Are we telling people." What an indicative question. Grandma says, "Your pregnant" in a very nonchalant manner, "I already knew that." "How did you know," I asked. "Jared told me." "Oh no. Jared doesn't know." I explained. "He has been saying that since before we were married. He just assumes that since Brian and I are married that a baby is soon to follow." After this conversation, mom came up to me in a very excited manner and puts a hand on each shoulder shaking me excitedly and saying, "Grammie. I've decided that I want to be called 'Grammie'".

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