Austin Finley Hansford

Monday, September 29, 2008

Pregnancy - First Trimester

Even though the Reglan is helping me to feel less nauseas, I don't have much of an appetite - I don't know whether to attribute that to the medicine or to being sick and full of snot. I figure I'll wait and see at the October 6 appointment. Don't get me wrong, I still force myself to eat, but sometimes it is difficult to eat healthy when I don't really want to eat at all. I was talking to Arianne about this yesterday and she suggested eating a lot of really small meals all day long instead of trying to force three big meals. I think that I am going to try that route for a while. I no longer have the ability to suck in my tummy - so now all of my previous fatness is stuck out there. L I got a pregnancy yoga DVD, so I am going to see if I can do that (or some of it) on a regular basis (since my neighborhood isn't exactly the walk-by-yourself type of neighborhood) and after work, the last thing that I want to do is stick around and go to the gym.

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