Austin Finley Hansford

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Pregnancy - Third Trimester

Brad (friend of Brian's family who used to own a home buildingcompany and built houses) and Brian's Dad will be returning tonight so that Brad can take a look at the wall between the two bedrooms upstairs to see if it is a support wall. So no further tear down or shopping until this is established.

Apparently Brian wanted to start patching up some miscellaneous holes in the walls, but the bucket of plaster was frozen. He now has it in the house next to a register to see if it will thaw out (and if it will keep its consistency when thawed). LESSON LEARNED: Do not keep plaster in the garage. Brian is okay with varnishing the trim (the options at Lowes weren't any different), but now he really wants to save it for the end so that I don't have to park outside and have to scrape my windows in the morning. (What?!? A big wet and dirty spot rightsmack in the middle of my tummy won't look good?)

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