Austin Finley Hansford

Monday, August 25, 2008

Pregnancy - First Trimester

The nausea is pretty persistent, but my vomiting is limited, which is good. I am still very tired and it is difficult to keep my focus at work. Mom called today and told me that she told Aunt Ileen. Aunt Ileen promised not to ask her about it (I assume that is so that it doesn't leak to nearby burning ears). Mom also told me that Grandma inquired into my health on Saturday August 14, 2008. Mom tried to explain that Brian and I were arguing a lot throughout the trip to Cousin Loren's wedding in Ohio (where Grandma saw me) and that it was stressful and tense. Apparently Grandma was not satisfied with this answer and felt that I didn't look good. She decided to come right out and ask Mom if I was pregnant. That woman is good! Mom couldn't lie in order to protect my secret, so she confessed. I wasn't given any insight into Grandma's reaction, other than pledging that she would not tell anyone, not even Grandpa.

Mom also decided that she is not one-hundred percent settled on the name "Grammie". After all, if she decides later on that she doesn't like "Grammie" then how do you have all her other grandkids call her something different and the first one calls her "Grammie"? Little things like this are very indicative of Mom's excitement to be a grandma!

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